Polk County Gun Club Update ASI Club Rebounding with Resilience

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Polk County Gun Club Update ASI Club Rebounding with Resilience

We are thrilled to share that on January 4th, 2025, Polk County Gun Club successfully held their first ASI match since Hurricane Helene swept through Columbus, North Carolina. Despite the chilly start at 26 degrees and 10-15 mph winds, they had an impressive turnout of 12 dedicated competitors.

In late September 2024, Hurricane Helene brought unprecedented rainfall to this tight-knit community, causing severe flooding and mudslides. The devastation was significant, but their spirit and determination were even stronger – the ASI Club lost everything.

Special recognition goes to Caton McBride, whose leadership and fortitude were instrumental in procuring and rebuilding supplies, props, and rallying a team of dedicated shooters. Thanks to his efforts, they are back on track for their monthly ASI matches.

We appreciate everyone’s unwavering support and participation. When you are in the area, stop by and experience a match with this great group of dedicated competitors.

Stay strong and shoot straight!

2025 01 Match Photo
2025 01 Match Photo

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