Hand Sized Hangun 2019

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Hand Sized Handgun 2019 Success! Congrats to everyone that came out for the annual Hand Sized Handgun championship at Renton this past weekend. Great weather, great stages, and some great shooting along the way. Look for stage descriptions from the match to be released into the ASI Stage Library shortly!

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ASI has come to Oklahoma, with brothers Jim and Mike Smithheisler leading the charge. The brothers will field their first match in Tonkawa on Oct. 15 and 16. They've invited a handful of local shooters to experience their first-of-its-kind match, but if you'd like to...

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Blue Press features ASI!

The September issue of Dillon's "Blue Press" has a great article on ASI by gunwriter Duane Thomas. If you shoot at Wade's Eastside, odds are you've bumped into him. Thanks to his article, we're getting swamped with requests for information and guidance on how to start...

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