Hand Sized Handgun Championship Sets New Attendance Record

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Rick Brenneman’s “Hand Sized Handgun” championship set a new attendance record in July, setting a new standard for attendance and prestige. HSH 2017 invited ASI shooters to experience an 8-stage course of fire designed for short-barreled handguns. Shooters could use any handgun they choose, but if they wished to compete for prize and trophy, they had to use a “hand sized” handgun with a barrel less than 3.5” long. ASI’s Washington community responded to his challenge in droves. Shooters brought seemingly every pocket pistol from the Glock 26 to snubbie S&W revolvers to the event.

Shooters included everyone from first-time-at-a-match folks to familiar faces from the local IDPA community. The course offered static steel targets, moving targets (some engaged with one hand only), and curious shooting positions – including kneeling on a piece of carpet. Merchandize prizes from YBS, Dillon Precision, and other donors awaited at the end, but the match itself was relaxed and thought-provoking – just as an ASI event should be.

Jim Till came to HSH 2017 having never shot an ASI event before. He came to get a feel for ASI, and went home with the top random-draw prize: a Dillon Square Deal progressive reloader! Did he enjoy himself? I’ll say – he’s launching an ASI club at his home range on Whidbey Island.

Seventy-five shooters in all came out for HSH 2017 – with David Willecke shooting the fastest time of the day. Results for the match appear on the ASI forum, under “latest match results.” http://asi.boards.net/thr…/…/hand-sized-handgun-championship

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