ASI Primary Club Contact:
Bruce Axtell
Web Address:
Range Phone:
Range Address:
2450 South Glenn Highway, Palmer, AK 99645
PractiScore Page:
Match Information:
- Matches occur on the 4th Thursday of each month.
- Note: If the 4th Thursday falls on a holiday, the match is moved to the 3rd Thursday of that month.
- Verify schedule here:
or via email to Bruce. - Match Time: at 0900 and at 1800 (2 Sessions).
- Match Registration: On-site Only (no pre-registration) at 0800 and 1700 for the two sessions.
- The access door is locked at 0900 and 1800 to protect items left in the lobby while we are shooting on the range.
- New Shooters: Shooters new to ASI, regardless of previous experience, must attend the New Shooter Briefing using the ASI guidelines, given by an experienced shooter.
This briefing will take place during the registration hour and prior to the main Safety Briefing.
We would also like new shooters to have a mentor during their first shoot. - Match Results: Match Notification and Results are sent via Email from ASI Primary Contact.
Location Map