A Girl and a Gun Chapter Meets ASI

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Snow? What snow? ASI’s Robin Taylor and Rob Beals (along with Lars Liden) had the chance to share ASI with the Puyallup “A Girl and a Gun” chapter on Sunday.
“The gals had a great time and had many, many nice things to say about ASI – your presentation definitely sparked interest in coming to a match in March,” says club organizer Jackie Russo.
The Puyallup “girls” are planning a second ASI-themed get-together, tentatively scheduled for May 20. In the meanwhile, we expect to see several members from the Puyallup chapter attending the Renton Fish & Game Club match in March.
If you’re interested in shooting with a supportive, all-female group, by all means contact Jackie Russo (corginationpistolteam@earthlink.net) or Christa Beasley (beasleychrista1@gmail.com). Christa is the local A Girl And A Gun coordinator. A Girl And A Gun has chapters all over the United States, and Beasley should be able to help you find one near you

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